Skolegade 13, 5960 Marstal, Denmark
Linkedin Profile:
Update September 2017
We have recently had an increased amount of questions from investors and business units around the world wanting to do a background check on Finn Galatius. Despite being personal declared bankrupt by the court in Denmark, Finn is still working with projects he do not have any ownership of anymore.
We are happy to help any person/entity with in-depth information about Finn Galatius going several years back.
Why this website about Finn Ole Galatius ?
We are a group of Danish businesspersons who have been working with Finn Ole Galatius for the last couple of years. We found the available information about Finn Ole Galatius very limited why we decided to create this website. If you are interested in hearing about our experience, feel free to contact us.
We have knowledge and contact to several other individuals who during the last 10 years have proceeded with business cooperation’s with Finn Galatius and will be able to establish contact should it be requested.
Finn Ole Galatius is declared personal bankrupt
August 8th 2016 – By court order Finn Ole Galatius has been declared personal bankrupt by the the Bankruptcy court in Svendborg, Denmark
Please find link to the Danish National News site with the information below (in Danish):
Companies Finn Galatius has been involved in:
Finn Ole Galatius has been involved in several companies around the globe. Please find a list below of the ones we are aware about:
Please send us a message using the below contact form should you be interested in further information.
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